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Weighing controllers are capable of solving two tasks: displaying information and dosing components to create various mixtures. In addition to the characteristics of the indicators, the following features are added:
  • The number of components to be mixed. Depending on the execution, there may be 6 or more.
  • Adjusting the accuracy of weighing components. For productions where a slight deviation is allowed, the "rough" mode is selected, for precise technologies — "exactly".
  • Functions that exclude typical errors during weighing. For example, you can adjust the delay to eliminate the impact of the impact during dosing. In most models, the function of monitoring the permissible limits for the weight of components is implemented.
  • The RS-232 bus is used for communication. Optionally available version with RS-485 for integration with control computer systems.

Models: WLM-100, WLF-100, WL-200, WK-100, WCA-1.

Price list

All TOKVES products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant TOKVES: weight indicators and controllers, duplicating scoreboards, weight terminals
  • Weight indicators TOKVES
    Weight indicators
    SH-20, SH-50, etc.
  • Weight controllers TOKVES
    Weight controllers
    WLM/WLF-100, WL-200, WCA-1, etc.
  • Duplicate scoreboards TOKVES
    Duplicate scoreboards
    DS-500, etc.


TOKVES company (Yekaterinburg) was founded in 2008 and today is one of the leading domestic manufacturers of weighing equipment.
  • quality

    TOKVES products are tested according to an approved test program. Ensuring high-quality equipment is a priority task of the company.
  • assortment

    The range of TOKVES products is constantly expanding and is compiled in such a way that it covers almost all known world and domestic analogues.
  • reliability

    Regardless of the complexity of the task, the client can always count on the stability of operational characteristics, high accuracy and reliability of the TOKVES equipment.

Information Board TOKVES

Learn more about our products TOKVES.
  • Price list for TOKVES products поставщика ТОКВЕС
    Price list for TOKVES products


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